SDM Solutions

SDM (Software Defined Mesh) is a network solution powered by eSIX IPfiber technology and Xatellite CPE series. It provides an end-to-end network management platform for deploying and maintaining reliable, non-breakable, and secure network architecture for our customers.

SDM Comprehensive Network Management Platform

It provides an end-to-end network management platform for deploying and maintaining a reliable, uninterrupted, and secure network architecture for our customers. SDM enables enterprises to swiftly deploy and manage a robust network infrastructure by centrally managing, configuring, and monitoring network devices. It offers a simple yet powerful solution that helps customers achieve efficient network operations and management.

SDM Enhanced Network Reliability and Security

eSIX has successfully implemented the SDM solution for several enterprises, resulting in significant improvements in network reliability and security. With SDM, businesses can establish a flexible network architecture that enables the transmission and exchange of data across different nodes. This software-defined approach eliminates single points of failure and enhances network responsiveness and fault tolerance. Moreover, SDM provides advanced security features, including authentication, encryption, and access control, ensuring the security of data and communications within the enterprise network.

SDM Increased Efficiency and Cost Savings

Implementing the SDM solution not only enhances network reliability and security but also leads to substantial cost savings. eSIX's SDM solution has helped clients save millions of dollars by optimizing network device configurations, reducing bandwidth and energy consumption, minimizing downtime, and maintenance efforts. Furthermore, SDM offers advanced performance monitoring and data analytics capabilities, enabling enterprises to track and optimize network performance, further enhancing operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

eSIX SDM Advantage

eSIX has successfully implemented the SDM solution for several enterprises, resulting in significant improvements in network reliability and security, and cost savings of over millions of dollars.


Educational institutions can deploy a robust network that supports high-speed internet access, enabling students and teachers to engage in online learning and communicate effortlessly. This technology ensures uninterrupted connectivity, even in remote areas, and facilitates real-time interaction between students and educators.


Retailers can establish a network infrastructure that supports reliable and secure communication across various locations. This technology ensures uninterrupted connectivity for point-of-sale systems, inventory management, and real-time data analysis.


Logistics operations can benefit from enhanced visibility and control over shipments, optimizing delivery routes, and reducing delays. This technology ensures secure and reliable connectivity, enabling logistics providers to monitor inventory levels, streamline warehouse operations, and improve overall operational efficiency.


This technology enhances the efficiency of financial operations, such as real-time transaction processing, secure online banking, and streamlined payment systems. SDM's advanced security features protect sensitive financial data, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and safeguarding against cyber threats.

Health Cares

SDM ensures reliable and uninterrupted connectivity for critical healthcare systems, supporting electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, and remote monitoring. Healthcare organizations can improve patient outcomes, streamline workflows, and enhance overall healthcare delivery.